Best seller !!!

'Parenting with insight'

 Understanding and Responding to Traumatised Children's Behaviours 


Purchase now on a 12 month payment plan...only $14.95 per week  

This recorded training package is for parents, or professionals wanting to gain insight!! It offers a deep dive into understanding and effectively responding to the behaviors of traumatised children. Participants will gain insights into the timing and impact of trauma on children's development, enabling them to recognise signs of trauma and its manifestations in behavior. Through this course, caregivers will learn to interpret children's unspoken communication cues and identify underlying unmet needs. Practical strategies and interventions will be provided to support traumatised children in building resilience and fostering healing within the family environment.

Whats Included;

  1. Understanding Trauma in Children:
    • Exploration of how trauma impacts children's development.
    • Identification of signs and symptoms of trauma in children's behaviour.
    • Examination of the timing and types of trauma and their effects on children.
  1. Recognising Unspoken Communication:
    • Understanding and using an Interplay lens to understand nonverbal cues and behaviors in traumatised children.
    • Understanding the role of attachment and relationships in communication.
    • Strategies for creating a safe environment that encourages open expression.
  1. Responding to Unmet Needs:
    • Techniques for identifying and addressing the underlying needs of traumatised children.
    • Development of responsive caregiving skills to meet emotional and psychological needs.
    • Implementation of trauma-informed practices to support healing and resilience.


  • Empowers caregivers with knowledge and skills to effectively support traumatised children.
  • Enhances understanding of trauma's impact on behaviour and development.
  • Equips participants with practical tools and strategies for responsive parenting.
  • Fosters a nurturing environment conducive to healing and growth for traumatised children.
  • Creates harmonious relationships 

Plus Bonus - 1 hour per month group parenting support sessions with Donna Berry, attachment and trauma specialist  



Subscribe Now for only $14.95 per week


Interplay Certification

and registration  


This program is our certification course, for Educators, Allied Health and professionals working in Childrens Services.

It captures the multidisciplinary approach and key components of the course, including trauma-informed practices, developmental foundations, parenting insights, understanding children's play and behaviors, legal and ethical aspects, using Interplay an attachment-based approach across various fields. This course consists of 4 modules, and 4 professional development workshops  








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 'Attachment Theory' Trauma-Informed Perspectives and Developmental Foundations'


This course is for Parents, Educators, Allied Health and all professionals working in Childrens Services.

The covers current research, developments, and applications within the field of attachment theory. Join us as we take a deep dive into the foundations of Attachment Theory.Understand how intergenerational trauma can impact attachment and how to use an attachment lens to inform your decision-making and clinical practice. 









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 'Navigating Domestic Violence in Today's World'

In this course Donna confronts one of the most pervasive and devastating issues facing individuals and communities worldwide. This course provides a comprehensive examination of domestic violence, equipping participants with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to recognise and respond todomestic violence in today's society.
Participants will gain a deep understanding of the dynamics and complexities of domestic violence, including its various forms, root causes, and impact on individuals, families, and communities. Through a trauma-informed lens, we explore the underlying factors contributing to domestic violence, such as power dynamics, societal norms, and systemic inequalities.Central to the course is the exploration of effective strategies for intervention and support, emphasising safety planning, empowerment, and trauma-informed care. Participants will learn to recognise the signs of domestic violence, provide compassionate support to survivors, and connect them with vital resources and services.Moreover, the course addresses the critical role of prevention in combating domestic violence, empowering participants to advocate for systemic change and foster cultures of respect, equality, and nonviolence in their communities."Navigating Domestic Violence in Today's World" is not just about understanding the problem; it's about taking meaningful action to create a world free from violence and oppression. Join us as we navigate the complexities of domestic violence, stand in solidarity with survivors, and work towards building a safer and more just society for all.
Available soon

 'Breaking Chains'

In Breaking Chains we delve into the intricate web of all addiction, unraveling its roots, and empowering individuals to break free from its grasp. This course offers a profound exploration of addiction, shedding light on its complex nature and the underlying factors that contribute to its development.
Participants will gain a deep understanding of the root causes of addiction, examining the interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Through this journey of discovery, individuals will uncover the patterns and triggers that perpetuate addictive behaviors, paving the way for healing and transformation.Central to the course is the exploration of boundaries—both personal and interpersonal—and their crucial role in recovery. Participants will learn to set healthy boundaries, cultivate self-awareness, and navigate challenging relationships with compassion and resilience.













Available soon


'The First 1000 Days'

This workshops is not just about understanding early childhood development; it's about recognising the immense potential of this critical period and harnessing it to build a brighter future for generations to come. Join us as we explore the transformative power of the first 1000 days and the profound impact it has on children, families, and society as a whole.

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance of the first 1000 days, delving into the interplay of biological, environmental, and relational factors that influence infant and toddler development. From prenatal nutrition and maternal health to early attachment and caregiving practices, we examine the diverse influences that contribute to a child's developmental trajectory.

Central to the course is the exploration of evidence-based strategies for promoting optimal development during this crucial period. Participants will learn practical tips and techniques for supporting infants and toddlers' physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth, fostering nurturing relationships and environments that lay the foundation for future success.










coming soon